Regular Maintenance...
is filled with principles that permeate every aspect of creation. One of those
is the principle of maintenance. In all my years in strength training, it
became obvious very quickly that if you quit lifting and working out, the effects
were seen almost immediately. Whether it is an old tractor that needs the oil
changed, or a car that needs new tires, everything in creation, without
exception, needs to be maintained, and nothing reveals this principle greater
than our spiritual lives. Jesus said without me, you can do nothing, and how
true we must learn this simple spiritual fact is. Time spent with Christ each
day, is the same as light and water to a plant, they are the essential parts of
the plants daily life cycle, remove either, and you can watch almost immediately
the plant begin to weaken and whither. As I look out over the congregation each
Sunday, it is always easier to notice those who aren’t there, verses those who
are. Knowing faithfulness to ones prayer life, worship, and time meditating on
God’s word are essential parts of the Christians daily life cycle, it begs the
question, are the people you see so inconsistently, healthy spiritually? Now to
the one who says, I don’t need to go to church to walk with God, I would say,
then why the church at all? Who is Sunday worship supposed to benefit, if not
you? The Lord established the church to be a part of the Christians maintenance,
the place where the oil is changed and the tires rotated. It has been my
experience, that the lack of this maintenance in a believer’s life is evident to
everyone. Like brakes on a car that squeak, or a tail pipe that burns oil, the
car is moving, but signs of trouble are obvious. If you feel life has become a
bit sluggish, maybe some regular maintenance in God’s house is in order! Remember
the Church is God’s garage and with regular visits your life will simply run
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