Double Standards
It is amazing to me how
comfortable “believers” are with the double standard that exists between them
and God, and them and everyone else they know. In our world, if someone lies to
you, steals from you, and lives immorally, that person is labeled a scoundrel. The
attitude of most will be, that person needs to get their house in order. They
are seen as a disgrace to their families, blight on society, and in general,
they are disliked and avoided. However when a “believer” lies to God, steals
from God, and lives immorally in the very presence of God, all of a sudden, they
are just imperfect, doomed to their sin nature, claiming that we all make
mistakes and nobody is perfect. How in the world is it any difference in lying
to God, than in lying to anyone else? How is it any different to steal from God,
than to steal from your neighbor? How is it any different to break all your
promises to Him, than it is to prove unreliable to your family and co-workers?
Well, I will tell you, there is no difference, let me repeat, no difference at all! The only difference is your
opinion about it, and your opinion is different, only because it applies to
you. The church is filled with saints and scoundrels. The true saint lives to
be Holy, judging every action and thought as to whether it is worthy of praise,
the scoundrel uses the grace of God to justify such behavior, the very behavior
that they revile in others. The saint who sins immediately seeks forgiveness,
while the scoundrel says in his or her heart; well no one is perfect. Remember,
there is no double standard, and with God, there is a higher standard we are
called to attain!
Your pastor
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