The Mirror

The Mirror

It is quite remarkable, that as we age, how the mirror becomes an instrument of undeniable truth. It tells of every new wrinkle, age spot, and fold of flesh, many which were invisible just years before. It reminds us time is fading, the hour glass emptying. In it, we see the pain, anxiety, and wear upon our souls, expressed now on a canvas of skin. As the adage goes, the mirror doesn’t lie! The irony however, is how we pay attention to the wrinkles and dark circles on our faces, but blatantly ignore the graver concerns the mirror reflects revealing the nature of our souls. Paul spoke of how easy it is to look in the mirror, and see the unsightly, only to walk away eager to forget that which is so easy to see. What does the mirror of your soul say?  The reason we pay more attention to the wrinkles and dark circles on our faces, is because others can readily see them, whereas the wrinkles and dark circles of our souls are hidden. It is easy to cover the wrinkles on our faces, but the wrinkles and dark circles of our soul can only be covered by a true change of heart. The make-up of the soul is honesty, purity, and repentance. The truth is, until the wrinkles of our soul are as unsightly to us as those on our faces, we will do nothing about them. Next time you look in the mirror, look not at your face, but at your heart. Then ask yourself which is uglier, the lines on your face, or the dark circles upon your heart? Knowing that God always looks upon the heart, for it is there He sees the true self. We must learn to be as self-conscience over what God sees, versus what is visible to others, remembering that the only make-up for the soul, is truth, repentance, and purity!

Rev. Joel M McDuffie Jr.



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