White As SNow
White as Snow
“Come now, and let us reason
together, says Jehovah; though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white
as snow” … Isa 1:18
There is something quite mesmerizing about snow, it is that “white,”
a white that can make everything underneath
it look beautiful. The color white
and snow are both metaphors in
Scripture for something quite beautiful as well. White is actually defined as
that which is absent of any color, and so it represents the perfect Holy nature
of God Himself. In Him, there is no shadow of turning, for He alone is perfect
in Holiness. White is a picture for us of the sinless perfect essence of God
Himself, in Him, there is no darkness at all. Snow is another interesting metaphor, for it is a picture of the
blanket of purity that God lays over His children, much in the same way snow
blankets the ground in the winter. Under that snow is all manner of darkness
and decay, only now hidden by the beauty of the snow which now covers it. Snow
is a picture of the righteousness that covers and blankets our sin, allowing us
to appear beautiful as we are clothed in white raiment. However, there is
another interesting aspect concerning snow on the ground, and that is, it makes
everything not white stand out. Though there be a whole acre covered with snow,
something as small as a little branch stands out like a sore thumb. The same is
true of us and the sin in our lives. Like that little branch protruding through
the snow, sin stands out, and breaks the tranquility of the blanket that surrounds
it. Today, as we look outside, if we look with spiritual eyes, we can see the
beauty of God’s Holiness, we can also see how we are made white, as He gently
lays His righteousness, like a blanket of snow over us, but we can also see,
how easy it is to take away from this beautiful image He has painted for us, by
allowing sin into our lives. Living Holy as He is Holy, assures that others
always see the beauty of the blanket of snow the Lord has laid over us!
Rev. Joel M McDuffie Jr.
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